Minggu, 09 Februari 2020


Islamic leadership is a part of every human nature which at the same time motivates Islamic leadership. Humans are mandated by Allah to be the caliph of Allah (Allah's representative) on earth: Remember when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily I want to make a caliph on the face of the earth." they say: "Why do you want to make (the caliph) on earth a person who will cause damage to him and shed blood, even though we always glorify by praising you and purifying you?" God says: "Surely I know what you do not know." [Q.S.al-Baqarah: 30],

Ideal Leadership in Islamic perspective:

a. Must be able to lead and control himself before leading others

b. Having good managerial skills because a leader must be chosen from people with the best quality

c. Having a good relationship concept because a leader must be able to bridge the various differences that exist in the midst of his community

d. Its vision is the Quran, its mission is to uphold the religion of Islam

e. Having a tawadhu attitude 'and introspective in carrying out the mandate of God, because in the principle the leadership must not only be accounted for in front of formal institutions but more importantly before God Almighty.

f. Having the Siddiq (true), Amanah (trustworthy), Tabligh (Delivering what it is), Fathonah (Clever) and fully aware that God provides different abilities for each person (QS Al-Jumah: 4) and accept it with gratitude and sincere.

The most important of all is that Islam views that leadership is a trust entrusted by Allah SWT humanity, so that leadership will be held accountable by God. For this reason, one must have a fear of God as the perfect control for his leadership. Meanwhile, in the western perspective, the problem of leadership mandate is sufficient as a formal legal responsibility with material parameters.

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