Jumat, 14 Juni 2019



Comics are media used to express ideas with images, often combined with text or other visual information. Comics often take the form of a panel that is juxtaposed. Often textual devices such as speech balloons, captions, and onomatopoeia show dialogue, narration, sound effects, or other information. Panel size and settings contribute to narrative speed. Cartoons and similar forms of illustrations are the most common way of making pictures in comics; Fumetti is a form that uses photographic images. Common forms of comics include comic strips, editorials and jokes, and comic books. Since the end of the 20th century, bound volumes such as graphic novels, comic albums, and tankōbon have become common increasingly, while webcomic has grown in the 21st century.


The distribution of comics based on the type of story is divided into 4 types, that are:
 1. Educational Comics

 Educational comics have 2 functions:
         -> First is the entertainment function
         -> Both can be used directly or indirectly for educational purposes. This is because the position of comics is increasingly developing in a good direction because the community has become aware of the commercial values ​​and educational values ​​that they usually carry

 2. Promotion Comics (Ads) 

          Comics are also able to foster an imagination that is in harmony with the world of children so that comics appear that are used for the promotion of a product. This promotional comic visualization usually uses superhero figures.

 3. Puppet comics

          Wayang comics mean comics that tell stories about puppets, namely the Mahabharata, which tells of the great war between Kurawa and Pandawa and the story of Ramayana which tells the story of the abduction of Dewi Shinta. This type of comic in Indonesia appeared in the 60-70s with several comics that started this period, namely; The birth of Gatotkatja (Keng Po), Raden Palasara by Johnlo, Mahabharata by R.A Kosasih, which is a very popular melody publication from Bandung.

      4. Silat comics

          Silat comics are very popular because martial arts themes that are dominated by scenes of action or fighting are still idols. Suppose Japan with ninja and samurainya or China with kungfunya. Call it Naruto.


Currently students' reading interest is very low, therefore the role of technology and teachers is very much needed. If a teacher is not creative, learning life is colorless, there is nothing new in the life of a teacher. Imagine if learning activities are colorless and a teacher only does learning as usual, entering class, teaching, leaving class. Teachers who are not creative will make life boring, monotonous, and meaningless.

Being a creative teacher is certainly not easy, the process and experience also play a role in generating broad knowledge. Murray Louis said "Creativity is in every self, not outside ourselves. Creativity is a personal problem". Creativity is one of the important capital for the teacher to color the class in the learning process. Creativity can also be interpreted as a process of searching into oneself which is full of memories, thoughts, and sensations to the most fundamental traits for life.

Every teacher has their own method of teaching based on their experience and knowledge. But here, technology can help teachers to create interactive media to improve students' reading, which is comic. in this era many tools can make comics easier, namely:

1. Toondoo
2. Chogger
3. Pixton

See the example of the direction:

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