Minggu, 09 Februari 2020

5 Types Millennial Leadership

The millennial generation is known as the generation that grew up in the era of information and technology development. This then makes their character different from previous generations. The leaders are inevitably demanded to adjust their leadership style in managing the millennial generation underneath. So, what kind of leader would be liked by millennials? Here are five of them:

1. Tech Savvy

Tech-savvy leaders will be liked by millennials because they are able to communicate and exchange information the way they like, which is technology. This leader can easily coordinate and communicate with his team members. It is also easier to reach when and wherever it is.

2. Transparent

Transparency is a very important thing to be applied in the world of work. With openness, all employees can collaborate with one another in advancing the company. Transparent leaders want to share the problems faced by the company, thus allowing their employees to come along to provide solutions. Conversely, he is accustomed to giving feedback to employees, so employees can evaluate themselves and improve their performance.

3. Tolerance

In a work environment, a leader will certainly be reunited with employees who come from various backgrounds - ranging from educational and occupational backgrounds to involving ethnicity, race, religion, and so on. Ideally, he must be able to create a solid work team, regardless of differences. He must also be objective and not maintain a culture of seniority. Well, this type of leader is expected by millennials.

4. Collaborative

Millennials tend to prefer to work in teams rather than individually. Therefore, they need a leader who can be a liaison between employees. This leader should also know the best way to direct them. Team collaboration has an important role in achieving the company's goals and targets.

5. Visionary

Working in a company that has a clear vision and mission is one thing that is expected by millennial generation employees. It means the leader in it must also be someone who is visionary. This will make it easier for millennials to work in a focused and more focused manner in pursuit of the company's expected goals.

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