Kamis, 20 Juni 2019


curriculum vitae (CV) is often required in place of a resume for positions in education, clinical research, work as a physician, or in certain science or publishing positions. Curriculum vitae means a course of life and a CV is really a much greater accounting of what one has done with one’s life that is a resume.
Unlike the resume, the CV is usually longer and more detailed. Not only will it include education, and former jobs, but it will also include details like specialized classes one has taken, publications, special licenses or affiliations, grants one has received, and any other relevant details to a position for which one is applying.
In academia and research positions, prime considerations are given to not only where one studied but also what one studied. Especially in colleges, number of publications or conferences one has presented at can be major selling points. Since many colleges expect their teachers to publish, publication lists in a CV are essential.

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