Minggu, 09 Februari 2020

Tips for successful introverts to become leaders

One of the stereotypes in the professional world is that successful leaders are extroverted. Meanwhile, introverts are seen as weak leaders because of 'antisocial'. However, that does not mean they cannot succeed. A number of research results reveal, introverts also have a better chance of success than extroverts. The following tips are:

1. Use observation skills

Introverts are good at observing and listening to create innovative solutions. To be successful, start making it a habit to meet other people to ensure that you really stand out and have competence.

2. Leadership style

Sometimes, introverted leaders are misunderstood as people who don't want to work together and prefer to make their own decisions. This is not true. The introverted leader only needs their own time to reflect. Therefore, there are no misunderstandings, convey this clearly to the team members. Explain that you value their input, but you need time to consider before finally making a decision. Introverts may not be so good at talking or conveying thoughts directly. However, introverts can get around this by showing their performance in terms of both business and leadership. Build an image as someone who is competent, credible, and consistent.
3. Setting up points
Introverts usually need time to process information and think about what they want to say. This makes the opportunity to talk introverted tends to be overlooked in meetings that need a quick response. Try to get an agenda early so you can think of topics that will be discussed before the meeting. Write your thoughts and prepare the points you want to convey.

4. Make individual meetings or small meetings

Introverts get energy when they have their own time while extroverts get energy when they are around people. Both can be effective strategies, provided you know how to channel them appropriately. Make small meetings, for example at lunch with one or a number of team members. You can also make small meetings for leaders with introvert personalities so they can convey their thoughts clearly.

5. Leave space in large meetings

Make sure you don't compress too many agendas in one day or one week. Leave space between meetings and conferences so you can be more productive while enjoying your own time.

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