Kamis, 04 Juni 2020


1. Participation Techniques

Participation technique is a technique to make people like to follow what the leader wants. There are several reasons why someone wants to become a follower, namely:

· Participation due to applicable regulations / laws.
· Participation because of religion.
· Participation because of tradition or instinct, and
· Participation because of the ratio.

Participation techniques can be carried out with lighting and propaganda.

a. Information technique is to provide objective facts. Facts are called objective if the facts can be justified, the source is clear, and do not intend to fool followers to cover up the leaders' mistakes. For facts to be clear and useful, they must be conveyed in a timely manner and presented in a form that can be easily and quickly understood. It is hoped that the presentation of such facts will create awareness and satisfaction among subordinates so that they then voluntarily follow.
b. Propaganda Technique. The propaganda technique is different from the lighting technique. In information techniques leaders try to give understanding and awareness to the subordinates so that they become followers based on awareness.
In propaganda, a person becomes a follower because he feels forced and afraid. Propaganda is a way to change the minds of others to become followers in negative ways, for example by intimidation, threats, intimidation, and coercion.

2) Human Relationship Techniques

Human relationship is a human relationship that aims to get satisfaction, both physical satisfactions. Because human relations aims to get satisfaction, human relations techniques can be done by providing various kinds of needs to subordinates, both psychological satisfaction, and physical satisfaction.

3) Technique of Modeling, Excitement and Encouragement

With this technique a leader places himself as a role model, a spirit of encouragement, and as a giver of encouragement. This method can be implemented if the leader adheres to philosophy: Hing ngarsa sung tulada, hing madya mangun karsa, tut wuri handayani. In this way it is expected to provide understanding and awareness to the subordinates so that they are willing and like to follow what the leader wants.

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