Jumat, 29 Mei 2020

Types of Educational Leadership

Based on the concept, nature, attitude, and ways in which the leader conducts and develops leadership activities within the work the environment he leads, the educational leadership can be classified into 4 types, namely:

1. Authoritarian type
The type of authoritarian leadership is also called the "outhoritarian" leadership type. In authoritarian leadership, leaders act as dictators of their group members. Excessive domination easily turns on opposition or gives rise to apathy, or traits in group members towards their leader.
2. Type "Laissez-faire"
In this type of leadership the leader actually does not provide leadership, he let his subordinates do as they wish. The leader gives no control and corrections to the work of his subordinates. The division of tasks and cooperation is left entirely to subordinates without instructions or suggestions from the leader. The level of success of an organization or institution is due solely to the awareness and dedication of some group members, and not to the influence of the leader. The organizational structure is unclear and fuzzy, everything is done without a plan and without supervision from the leader.

3. Democratic type
The democratic type of leader interprets his leadership not as a dictator, but as a leader in the midst of his group members. Democratic leaders always try to stimulate their members to work productively to achieve common goals. In his actions and efforts he always stems from the interests and needs of his group, and considers the ability and ability of his group.
4. Pseudo-democratic type
This type is also called pseudo-democratic or diplomatic manipulation. Leaders who are of the type of democratic peseudo only seem to be democratic when in fact he is being democratic. For example, if he has ideas, thoughts, concepts that he wants to apply in the institution he leads, then they are discussed and discussed with his subordinates, but the situation is arranged and created in such a way that in the end the subordinates are urged to accept the ideas / thoughts / concepts as a joint decision.

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