Types of Behavioral Theory of Leadership
The Leadership Behavioral Theory focuses
on how leaders communicate with others, which is on the opposite end of the
continuum of leadership theory. Leadership is based less on one's
characteristics in the concept of leadership behavior, and more on their abilities
and modes of communication.
The Authoritarian
The Authoritarian
This type of leadership requires
uncompromised authority to issue commands. Those leaders are unwavering in
their requests and frequently threaten team members who are not following
orders, Lewin called it autocratic leadership style.
The Delegator
The Delegator
Leaders who delegate are comfortable trusting
others to do their jobs. They know that they can’t do everything themselves. In
fact, they take a very hands-off approach. Lewin called this approach
Laissez-faire leadership.
The Participant
The Participant
The focus is less on the leader in what
Lewin calls the democratic leadership style, and more on the decisions of the
group. A leader may direct the group but this approach is always controlled by
the majority.
One leader may theoretically be able to
choose from each of these three types, depending on which group or scenario is
best for. The autocratic approach, for instance, might be better for a military
unit, whereas a democratic approach would be better for a study team. There are
structures for behavioral leadership strategies, but they do not generally deal
with good or poor leading.
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