Sabtu, 30 Mei 2020

Implementation of transformational leadership in education

 The transformational leadership model in the field of education really needs to be applied such as school principals, heads of offices, director-general etc. This leadership model indeed needs to be implemented as one of the solutions for the crisis of educational leaders, especially in the field of education. The reasons for the need to apply transformational leadership models based on the opinion of Olga epitropika (2001: 1) suggest six things why transformational leadership is important for an organization, namely:

1. Significantly improve organizational performance
2. Positively associated with long-term marketing orientation and customer satisfaction
3. Generating a higher commitment to its members towards the organization
4. Increase workers' confidence in the management and daily behavior of the organization
5. Increase worker satisfaction through work and leaders
6. Reducing the stress of performance and improve welfare.

The implementation of transformational leadership models in educational organizations needs to pay attention to the following matters:

1. Refers to religious values ​​that exist in an organization or even a country
2. Adapted to the values ​​contained in the organization's system
3. Because the education system is a sub-system it must show a larger system that is above it like a state system
4. Explore the culture in the organization
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