Jumat, 29 Mei 2020

Aung San Suu Kyi

The controversial figure from Myanmar became a successful leader after his political party won the election defeating the military junta who had been in power for years. The people of Myanmar love the leadership of Yangoon-born daughter who is married to a British citizen who has one son. Aung San Suu Kyi was one of the strict women despite being politicized many times and sentenced to house punishment by the military junta. The figure of Aung San Suu Kyi's leadership for his country is truly done with love. He ventured across the country to campaign for anti-military so that the development process can be smooth and successful as a developing country. The figure of the leader who influenced the struggle in the ASEAN region that influenced world leaders sympathized with him, including the United Nations, gave him support. Now the people of Myanmar can feel openness in all fields, no longer afraid to go down the road, economic development is the main target for the people.

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